Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Berita Terbaru Hari Ini, 2011-01-13

    Pembatalan Merger Disambut Baik Karyawan
Rencana merger Flexi dan Esia memang belum diputuskan, tetapi Sekar Telkom mengaku menyambut baik jika rencana itu dibatalkan Menteri BUMN......

    Menteri ESDM: TDL Tak Akan Berubah
Menanggapi kritik pedas para pengusaha, Menteri ESDM Darwin Zahedy Saleh menegaskan, kenaikan tarif dasar listrik tidak akan berubah......

Penumpang Pun Telantar di Singapura
Ditutupnya pengoperasian maskapai penerbangan PT Mandala Airlines sejak Kamis 13/1/2011 membuat telantar para penumpang Mandala di Singapura......

IHSG Hanya Ditutup Naik 10 Poin
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan IHSG ditutup naik 0,29 persen ke level 3.564,9, pada sore ini......

Martina Berto Resmi Melantai
PT Martina Berto Tbk., akan MBTO resmi mencatatkan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia BEI Kamis dan di catat di papan pengembangan bursa......

Tahun Ini Jumlah Bank Akan Berkurang
Tahun ini jumlah bank di Indonesia dipastikan berkurang, bukan karena ditutup, melainkan akibat penggabungan bank atau merger......

Pilot Mandala Tak Akan Demo
Pukul 14.00 hari ini pilot-pilot Mandala konsolidasi di kantor pusat mereka di Tomang, Jakbar. Konsolidasi dilakukan untuk menyatukan sikap......

Pembangunan Blok Cepu Dipercepat
Kepala UKP4 Kuntoro Mangkusubroto mengatakan, pemerintah akan mempercepat pembangunan blok Cepu pada tahun 2011......

Garuda Tampung Kopilot Mandala
Maskapai Garuda Indonesia ternyata juga menampung pilot Mandala. Namun, pihak Garuda hanya mau menampung mereka untuk dijadikan kopilot......

    Menkeu Khawatirkan Kasus Gayus
Menkeu Agus Martowardojo mengkhawatirkan kasus Gayus Tambunan akan menurunkan kepercayaan publik terhadap institusi pajak......

    Februari, Pegawai Mandala Masih Digaji
Walaupun perusahaannya tengah dilanda gonjang-ganjing hingga menutup operasional penerbangan, manajemen Mandala tetap membayar gaji pegawainya......

Menhub Tak Khawatirkan Rute Mandala
Menteri Perhubungan Freddy Numberi mengatakan, pihaknya tak khawatir trayek maskapai penerbangan Mandala Airlines akan terbengkalai......

Mandala Airlines "Very Very Bad"
Robert Gardener, Direktur LSM Prestasi Junior Indonesia, mengaku frustrasi saat proses "refund" tiket penerbangan Mandala Airlines......

Halooo...Ke Mana Para Petinggi Mandala
Tak satu pun pejabat tinggi PT Mandala Airlines tampak di lobi kantor pusatnya di Jalan Tomang Raya Kavling 33, Slipi, Jakarta, Kamis 13/1/2011......

Mandala, Balada Maskapai Perintis
Inilah sejarah maskapai yang merupakan salah satu perintis usaha penerbangan komersial di Indonesia......

Unilever Indonesia propels another JCI’s gain
Indonesian shares were 10.17 points or 0.29% higher from yesterday’s closing at 3,554.77 to 3,564.94 led by PT Unilever Indonesia. Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) ran within the range of 3,549.01 and 3,630.68. Of the 421 stocks listed in the index,.....

Kalbe Farma's 2011 capex set at IDR600 billion-IDR650 billion
PT Kalbe Farma Tbk allocated IDR600 billion-IDR650 billion of capital expenditure this year. The company apparently increased the capex allocation from last year’s. Kalbe Farma’s Corporate Secretary Vidjongtius said the capex will mainly be chan.....

BI absorbs IDR26.87 trillion from SBI auction
Indonesian central bank, Bank Indonesia, absorbed IDR26.87 trillion from the auction of Certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBI). Nonetheless, a significant number of fund was left unabsorbed since the indicative target had been met. Based on the auction.....

Adira Finance's financing jumps by 80% in 2010
PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk (Adira Finance) booked a 80% jump in financing during 2010. last year, Adira Finance's total financing reached IDR25.9 trillion in 2010 from IDR14.5 trillion in 2009. Hafid Hadeli, Marketing Director of PT Adira .....

Global GDP to slow to 3.3% in 2011, World Bank says
The world economy is moving from a post-crisis bounce-back phase of the recovery to slower but still in solid growth this year and next, with developing countries contributing almost half of global growth, World Bank said on its latest Global Economi.....

Singapore Airlines to fly to Sao Paulo
Singapore Airlines, the Singapore’s national carrier, will begin a new service to Sao Paulo, Brazil commencing on March 28 2011, the airline said on its official site. In addition, Sao Paulo will be Singapore Airlines’s first South American dest.....

Newly companies urged not to delay listing process
Regarding to the four-consecutive-days slump of Jakarta Composite Index (JCI), the listed companies will not be allowed to delay a listing process when market was corrected. .....

Moody’s: US recovery is on the way
Moody’s Investors Service, the rating agency, generally estimates that US domestic fiscal policy, improved business and consumer confidence, easing lending standards, improved household balance sheets and export trade will essentially support the r.....

Indonesian stocks add 37.27 points at midday break
Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) rose 37.27 points to end the first season, led by mining shares. JCI was lifted by 1.05% to 3,592.04 from 3,554.77 in yesterday’s closing. The index moved within the range of 3,555.33 – 3,630.68. Indeks bergerak pa.....

RIM launches BlackBerry Devcon Asia
Research In Motion today launched the beta version of the BlackBerry® WebWorks™ SDK for Tablet OS and new services and developer tools for BlackBerry® smartphones at BlackBerry Devcon Asia. .....

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