Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Berita Terbaru, 2011-01-27

    Persiapan Pengendalian BBM Minim
Pemberlakuan pengendalian BBM bersubsidi merupakan bentuk koreksi terhadap pola subsidi yang tidak tepat sasaran selama ini. Tapi persiapan lemah.....

    Kompetisi Perencanaan Bisnis ITB
Kedubes AS, ITB, Yayasan Asgar Muda mendukung program kompetisi perencanaan bisnis ITB Entrepreneurship Challenge 2011......

Buatlah Kebijakan Dorong Daya Saing
Pemerintah semestinya membuat kebijakan yang mendorong peningkatan daya saing produk nasional untuk memanfaatkan peluang pasar global.....

Digugat, 14 Perusahaan Valas di Amerika
Para pelaku pasar valuta asing atau valas di seluruh dunia diminta berhati-hati dalam menginvestasikan uangnya saat bertransaksi di pasar valas......

Pertamina Didorong Kelola Blok Natuna
Pemerintah didesak agar segera memberi mandat kepada PT Pertamina untuk mengelola dan menjadi operator blok minyak dan gas bumi Natuna Timur......

Harga Elpiji 3 Kilogram Tidak Naik
Pemerintah memastikan harga "liquefied petroleum gas" LPG 3 kilogram tidak akan dinaikkan......

China Pangkas Pajak Impor Elektronik
China memangkas pajak impor produk elektronik seperti komputer pribadi......

Utang Pemerintah Capai Rp 1.676 Triliun
Kementerian Keuangan mencatat total utang pemerintah per 31 Desember 2010 mencapai Rp 1.676 triliun......

CEO Kompas Gramedia Paling Gaul
Acara syukuran tahunan Kompas Gramedia 2011 bertemakan "Layanan Sepenuh Hati" dihadiri oleh 4.000 pegawai Kompas Gramedia......

    Emas Bisa Lanjut Makin Mahal Tahun Ini
Kebijakan Federal Reserve mempertahankan stimulus moneter berpotensi mengangkat harga emas......

    BPKP Audit 487 Kasus
BPKP mencatat telah mengaudit investigasi terhadap 487 kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi pada periode 2008-2010......

LPS Sudah Likuidasi 31 Bank
Sejak 2006 hingga 2010 LPS telah melikuidasi 31 bank. Komposisinya, 30 Bank Pembangunan Rakyat BPR dan 1 bank umum......

"Capping" Listrik Berbau Kolusi
ICW menengarai adanya praktek kolusi dalam kebijakan capping tarif listrik untuk bisnis dan industri yang ditetapkan sebesar 18 persen......

Sentimen Positif Topang Rupiah
Pergerakan nilai tukar rupiah dibanding dollar Amerika Serikat AS masih diliputi sentimen positif......

Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Tutup Kerugian 7 Bandara
Bandara-bandara di bawah manajemen PT Angkasa Pura II sebenarnya masih banyak yang merugi, tetapi tertutupi keuntungan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta......

Investment in gold portfolio legalized
Industrial businessman and Sharia insurance association welcomed the issuance of Ministry of Finance's Decree No. 11/PMK.010/2011 that permits the investment in gold portfolio. The Ministry of Finance's Decree on financial health of insurance busine.....

UK economy devitalizes, expecting stable currency
UK economy is being depressed following the coalition government's plan to cut public spending sharply. "It is painful for short term, people are loosing jobs, unemployement rises. Yet in 2012, our growth is to come back," said Lord Charles Powell o.....

Surya Semesta targets IDR440 billion revenues
PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk is targeting a 10% growth in revenues or IDR440 billion this year from IDR400 billion last year through the opening of Banyan Tree Ungasan Resort. The resort took up US$60 million investment. In a press release today, .....

Barclays to redeploy employees, closing financial planning unit
Barclays Plc announced a proposal to redeploy their employees who support Barclays Financial Planning (BFP), the division of Barclays that offers face-to-face financial planning services to retail customers. It occurred as their plan to move away fr.....

Indonesian stocks extend gain, up by 0.37%
Indonesian stocks extended their gains, climbing 12.91 points or 0.37% to 3,514.62 at 4:00 p.m. today from 3,500.75 at opening. Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) moved within the range of 3,495.95 – 3,549.48. Of 422 stocks listed in Indonesia Stock E.....

Matahari launches new Hypermart outlet in Karawaci
TANGERANG: PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk expects its latest Hypermart’s outlet in North Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang, to record IDR4 million per m2 every month. The Cybermark Hypermart outlet happens to be Hypermart's 53th outlet and second largest out.....

Ancora Indonesia plans a rights issue by mid-year
PT Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk plans a rights issue in the middle of this year to raise US$15 million or IDR135 billion to acquire PT Raja Kutai Baru Makmur (RKBM). Ancora Resources President Director Dharma Djojonegoro said they plan to purchase.....

Surya Semesta spends US$60 million for Banyan Resort
Property developer PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA) has spent US$60 million or IDR540 billion to establish Banyan Tree Ungasan Resort at Ungasan village, Kuta, Bali......

Australia to charge flood tax levy
The Australian government will introduce a flood tax levy for 2011-2012 income year to help affected people recover from the disaster and rebuild essential infrastructure. As stated in Australian Treasury website, the flood levy will apply to all ta.....

Indonesian stocks add 34.82 points at midday
Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) rose 34.82 points to end the first session. JCI was lifted 0.99% to 3,536.54 from today’s opening at 3,500.75. The index moved within the range of 3,499.41-3,541.85. Among 422 shares in the index, 129 shares rose, 7.....

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